We all know someone who is in the ‘Covid trance’ and is immune to arguments that run counter to the official narrative on Covid and the Covid vaccines.
On a recent podcast, Chris Martenson interviewed professor of clinical psychology, Mattias Desmet, about the ways in which Covid hysteria resembles a state of hypnosis. Desmet outlined the path towards waking people from their hypnosis — visual representations of facts that repudiate their misperceptions.
I have sympathy for people who are caught in this hysteria, as their entire worldview is predicated on an idea of Covid that is literally false, but feels true. Getting through to people who remain captured by the hysteria might be impossible, but we have to try if we are to avoid tyranny or a fractured civilization. Furthermore, there is a growing dehumanization by those who are hypnotized by the Covid narrative towards those who are not. If history has taught us anything, it is that dehumanizing a minority of the population leads to immense harm. We must all take a moment to realize that is what is at stake, and work together to unite around the truth.
With that preamble aside, here are ten visual representations of Covid that might help those who are hypnotized by the Covid narrative to snap out of it.
Covid Fatality Rate by Age
Covid Risk of Death Each Year of Life
Case Fatality Rate by Age
Death Rates and Life Expectancy in the US, 1900-2020.
Excess Deaths in Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated in the UK, 2021
Correlation Between Vaccine Rates and Covid Rates
Annual Deaths Reported in CDC Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) Database
Total Deaths by Vaccine Type in CDC VAERS Database
Correlation Between Vaccine Rates and Cases, and Between Vaccine Rates and Deaths
Efficacy of Pfizer Vaccines against Various Covid Endpoints in Adolescents, and Illustration of Vaccine Efficacy as Relative Risk Reduction
Thank you for this. Is there an explanation as to why unvaxxed and vaxxed have similar excess mortality rates in Chart 5? I would have assumed excess mortality is caused by the jab, but that can't be the case if this chart is correct.