Five anomalies of the Covid pandemic
Items that need to be explained for which no good hypotheses exist
I have heard a lot of talk recently of mass formation, mass hysteria, and mass psychosis, all of which are attempts to explain some of the bizarre behaviour we have seen emerge out of the Covid pandemic. But too often these explanations are extended to explaining all of the absurdities of the pandemic, and I do not think any of these explanations fits. People, for whatever reason, are reluctant to suggest a coordinated and intentional mechanism (ie the C word), and that’s fine, but it leaves some things unexplained. Here are five items that do not make sense to me, and I think are best explained by a C-word. However, I am not invoking a C-word, but I am not allergic to one either.
Vaccinating children
Let’s call a spade a spade. Not only are children not at risk from Covid, but they are not even particularly good at spreading Covid — likely due mostly to the fact that children rarely develop symptoms from Covid, and when they do, they stay home. A wise culture would readily accept a slightly elevated risk of Covid in exchange for protecting our youth from the uncertain long-term consequences of novel mRNA vaccine technologies. At most, pharma researchers should conduct a well incentivized long-term trial with full transparency and liability on the line to test the efficacy and safety profile of mRNA vaccines in youth.
Cloth masks
The ostensible advantages of cloth masks have long been debunked, showing no efficacy at slowing the spread of the coronavirus. However, there is little conversation around the costs, or any acknowledgment that there even are any. Bacterial buildup on the masks can cause bacterial infections, pneumonia, and other illnesses. If we are going to pivot to a pseudo-pro-environmentalism narrative, we cannot sensibly ignore the harm to the environment that billions of discarded masks contributes. Lastly, putting masks on kids and preventing them from seeing the faces of their peers, teachers, parents and mentors has untold psychological and development consequences. Wear N95s or drop the act. And most of mask-wearing is theatrics, but the question is why. Who is asking for an illusion of public safety as opposed to the real thing?
Demonization of therapeutics
Even if Ivermectin and HCQ are minimally effective at treating Covid, making these drugs out to be the enemy makes absolutely no sense. They are wonderful drugs that are cheap, easy to distribute, and extremely safe. A culture that is otherwise obsessed with medication cannot sensibly justify the demonization of Ivermectin and HCQ. Thought experiment — Joe Rogan admits he took oxycodone to treat muscle and joint pain that he was experiencing from Covid. Would anyone vilify him for it? No? So why vilify doctor’s decision to treat him with Ivermectin? It makes no sense, and no one can tell me it does.
Ignoring low-hanging fruit tools to reduce Covid risk
Apparently the vaccines were never about eliminating the spread of Covid — only reducing hospitalizations and deaths. Sure, if you want to pivot to this narrative, fine. But you are left needing to explain why other options for reducing hospitalizations and deaths aren’t also being considered. Given that the vast majority of people who get in trouble with Covid have multiple comorbidities, many of which are treatable and eliminable, why not start there instead? Exercise, diet, vitamin supplementation, fresh air and sunlight, and good sleep are all also effective at reducing hospitalizations and deaths. You cannot sell me on the vaccines being about reducing hospitalizations and deaths when no one in the mainstream narrative is discussing other tools at our disposal.
Ignoring natural immunity
The only explanation I have gotten for this one is that health authorities do not want to encourage people to go out of their way to intentionally contract Covid, thus gaining natural immunity to skirt lockdown mandates otherwise enforced with a vaccine passport. That is preposterous. There is truly no logical explanation for ignoring natural immunity — instead, the “experts” seem determined to swim upstream in a very strong current to try and claim that vaccine immunity is superior (it’s not).
What all of these lines of evidence have in common is they have the outcome of instead pushing for vaccinating everybody. One could make the argument that a high-level bureaucratic decision was made to vaccinate everybody, and these anomalies are just the manifestation of mindless bureaucrats trying to carry out that plan. I think something more insidious is going on, but again, I won’t invoke the C-word. Let’s just say, there are some very powerful people out there who have admitted they want everyone to get vaccinated to use a digital ID to be allowed to engage with society, which will ultimately be used as a social credit score to track things like meat consumption, CO2 footprint, and spending habits. I’m not saying that’s why these anomalies exist, nor why the vaccines are being pushed on everyone, but what I am saying is that people stand to benefit from it.
Cui bono?
Great post! I did find one typo: "go out of there way to intentionally contract Covid"
I’m new here (like 5-minutes ago :) but so far I’m astounded by your work. I was alerted to your substack by another follower/commenter over on bad cat who shared a link to your post on the Dunning-Kruger-Power effect. Wow. That post helped explain/illustrate one of my longest and most deeply felt pet peeves concerning clueless-yet arrogantly self-assured ppl who go about angrily shouting down other folks who actually HAVE acquired extensive knowledge in some area. Excellent work! Thank you for helping clarify, I thoroughly enjoyed that piece.
This post about the 5 (obvious) anomalies is likewise fascinating to me - you are beautifully putting into words so many things that I’ve had in my head for so long! I can’t wait to dig into even more of your work. Thank you!!